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Log Android in Unity with Android Logcat

The tool to read your device logs that you deserve and need.

One of the biggest problems when developing on Android mobile is obtaining the logs of the Android device in the Unity environment in order to debug and obtain as much information as possible.


The Android Logcat package is a utility for viewing log messages from your Android device in Unity Editor.


The first step is to import the Android Logcat package, click on Window->Package Manager, select Packages: Unity Registry.

At this point search for the Android Logcat package and import it into Unity.

Android Logcat - PackageManager

Using Android Logcat

You can access the Android Logcat window in Unity Editor via:

  • Menu: Window > Analysis > Android Logcat
  • Shortcut: Alt+6 on Windows.

Android Logcat


Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Last updated on Oct 17, 2023 20:40 +0200
Create with Hugo, Theme Stack;
Created By Francesco Garofalo;